Balamiki Chicken

By Jeanie Rose | Main Dishes

May 03

Balamiki Chicken at FreshBitesDaily.comThis recipe is dedicated to the memory of eating Filipino food at the Bamboo Hut. If the Bamboo Hut still existed, I wouldn’t have tried to figure out how to reproduce the flavors of our favorite: Balamiki Chicken. With the original version, thin strips of meat were marinated and then strung on wooden skewers for grilling. My version keeps the flavor with half the work.

Balamiki Chicken Ingredients

  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts that have been rolled flat
  • 6 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
  • 5 tablespoons Tamari (soy) sauce
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil

Balamiki Chicken Steps

Balamiki Chicken at

  1. Wash, pat dry, and roll the chicken breasts.
  2. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a large, non-reactive container, like glass. I use a large, glass baking dish.
  3. Dredge the chick breasts through the marinade, taking care to completely cover the surfaces of each piece. Let the sit in the marinade for a few hours in the refrigerator, turning the chicken once or twice.
  4. Cook on the barbeque. Stay with it. They will cook fast. The neighbors will be looking over the fence to see what is for dinner.
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13 years ago

I’m sure you had a lot of fun cooking this balamiki chicken. It looks great and i believe the taste is awesome.

Mama's Lebanese Kitchen

I’ve never had a chance to try Filipino food before but this recipe sounds pretty good. The coconut and soy sauce would make a wonderful flavor I bet. I gotta try this out thank you for posting.

Kristen B.
Kristen B.
13 years ago

Although I love to eat Filipino foods, it is my first time to encounter the “balamiki chicken.” And I am not familiar with Bamboo hut too. But reading the ingredients sound familiar except for Tamari soy sauce. I guess each Filipino food is unique and the taste is very delightful too. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Debbie Drummond
13 years ago

In the first place I wonder what the word ‘Balamiki’ means and from the looks of the picture it is looking very tasty. I like the idea of having this recipe under a bamboo hut somewhere near the beach enjoying the view.

12 years ago

This looks easy to prepare and cook. I will definitely try this one. Especially for someone like me who is really not that good in cooking. I hope I can do justice with this one. :o)

12 years ago

I’m from the Philippines and I didn’t know soy sauce was also called Tamari sauce lol. The chicken looks good though and I’ll giv this a try some time.


[…] Balamiki Chicken […]

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