Are you getting a bit bored with cauliflower or at least bored with the way you have been cooking it? Be bored no longer! Take this salad recipe for a spin and see if you don’t get a fresh new insight into that big white head of vegetable goodness.
This cauliflower is seasoned and roasted to perfection — perfect according to your pallet. After roasting, you toss the roasted cauliflower with an assortment of fresh ingredients. These ingredients bring a variety of texture and color to the bowl along with bright flavors. It may remind you of spring!
Drizzle on some extra virgin olive oil and squeeze on some fresh lemon juice. Toss. Toss. Toss. Now you have a dynamic salad. It’s simple and very quick, aside from the actual roasting time.
Have a couple bites. Enjoy the freshness. Consider what else you might add to this recipe. What is provided here is a good foundation for a number of additions. Would you like black olives or toasted pine nuts? What about bits of leftover cooked chicken? Little cubes of mozzarella would be delightful in this mix. Consider some shredded fresh greens like spinach, tender kale, or chard. Let your imagination run free. Every time you make this salad can be a whole new experience!
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This salad looks exciting. This recipe is new to me.