Of course, there are never too many ways to try strawberries and very few ways to mess them up in any real way. The Half Pint Hacks (Fresh Bites Daily’s youngest generation) combines strawberry with cream in a can’t miss combination of flavors. Freeze it and enjoy it in the shade on one of these summertime scorchers.
The boys describe the project and recipe details are below.
Makes 8 popsicles
Strawberry Freezer Jam: A Quick No-Canning Solution, Honey, Stevia, and Herb Options!
Fruity ice cubes — A tradition from our grandma’s grandma
Strawberries. The best recipes. Right here.
A versatile strawberry vinaigrette for salads and sauces
Dehydrated Strawberries: Preserve The Bounty In This Exceptionally Delicious Way
Roasted Strawberries: Intensifying the Flavor with a Secret Ingredient!
Strawberry Soda Mix: Your Next Best Idea For A Hot Day
A blueberry breakfast in a cup