My sister was shocked to watch a recent Half Pint Hacks tasting video (here) in which Frederick mentioned that he’s never tasted a Mound’s bar.
“What!!?! That’s my favorite candy bar!”
“Ah, yes,” I said, “But have you ever had a homemade version?”
As if in foreshadowing this very post, the Half Pint Hacks offer a homemade version to you.
They just used a simple layering approach. You can get fancier and shape these into bars or in the little disc shapes (like a peanut butter cup) but the layers are, by far, the most simple approach to take, especially for a larger quantity.
Store these candies in the freezer for an instant and ready treat.
A homemade ice cream fudge sauce (a “Magic Shell”)
Double-antioxidant candy ;)
Chocolate peanut butter Greek yogurt ice cream
Hot Cacao Drink (As Good As, Better Than? Coffee)
Kauai Chocolate Farm, Food Flicks in the Pacific
It’s the world’s healthiest chocolate and served with pumpkin. You can’t go wrong.