I’m finding baked apples to be such a comfort food, delicious and healthy. They’re great with any meal and at all times in between.
Yesterday I tried this recipe and the apples were fresh from the oven when two friends stopped by to help move some chickens. As they were climbing into their truck to leave I called out that they needed to take some apples with them. “No, we have apples on our trees.” When they realized that the apples were coming baked from the oven they changed their minds. Everyone has time for baked apples!
This version is sweet, but not too sweet. The ricotta adds some protein which makes this almost a meal in itself — a small meal or a handsome snack. A drizzle of heavy cream over the top is a nice finish, both for appearance and for flavor.
Use a variety of apple known for baking. The flavor and the texture will be better than if you use an apple that is best eaten fresh. If you have a variety that you are not sure about, try this. Peel, core and slice one apple. Fry the slices in a tablespoon of butter in a small skillet. Cook until the slices are soft. A cooking apple will have its slices intact. A non-cooking apple will have its slices turning into apple sauce. The flavor may still be fine, but the shape is gone.
Leftovers keep well under refrigeration for at least three days, if you have any leftovers. 🙂
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This sounds delish….can’t wait to give it a try. Recently bought some Mutsu apples, which are perfect for this.