Super-simple crab stuffed peppers (with some awesome canned crab)

By Jeanie Rose | Peppers

Aug 18

Super-simple crab stuffed peppers (with some awesome canned crab)Here we feature two of our favorite super-simple crab stuffed pepper recipes. We use sweet Italian peppers and canned crab, varying whether we roast the pepper or keep it raw. This is an almost instant meal if you have the component parts. We usually have homemade tartar sauce in the refrigerator — find the simple recipe here. If sweet peppers are readily available, I often roast a couple pans of them — find instructions here. You can quickly put these darlings together and then stash them in the refrigerator for later – or – pack and go. If you use small peppers, they make great appetizers. This recipe is so simple you will feel almost embarrassed at the number of compliments you get with it…refreshing and subtle.


Don’t miss it — Our partner offers wild caught and sustainable seafood: 10% off for new customers (Coupon code: VCAFINT) Click here.

Enjoy the crab stuffed bell pepper video on YouTube or watch it below.

Crab Stuffed Peppers Ingredients

Super-simple crab stuffed peppers (with some awesome canned crab)

  • Good quality canned crab
  • Homemade tartar sauce
  • Roasted peppers for a softer, caramelized pepper (or optional: raw pepper for more crunch, as pictured)

Crab Stuffed Pepper Steps

  1. An important key here is to roast the pepper only to the point of releasing fragrance, but not collapsing and loosing its shape.
  2. Drain the crab and mix with tartar sauce. Add the sauce a bit at a time and check for flavor. You don’t want to overwhelm that wonderful crab with dressing. When you find the right combination, the sauce actually enhances the taste of the crab rather than drowning it.
  3. Fill the roasted peppers with the crab salad.
  4. Serve cold or room temperature.

Crab Stuffed Pepper Variations

  • Fill with tuna salad.
  • Fill with salmon salad.
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Debbie Drummond
13 years ago

Not much of a seafood fan but this recipe is something I want to try because you’ve used black olives and romaine leaves and these two I love these two ingredients. Time to grab canned crab meat 🙂

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